Prince George Massage Therapy
With chiropractic care, massage therapy can
help improve circulation and muscle tone.
We recommend massage in combination with your chiropractic care. While chiropractic focuses on the relationship between the spine and its impact on the nervous system, massage focuses on the 650 muscles of the body. Both disciplines work together to help keep the body in proper alignment, balance and function.
Retraining Your Spine
Long-standing spinal problems are accompanied by ingrained muscle patterns. Muscle spasms and scar tissue are often involved. By augmenting your chiropractic care with massage therapy, these muscle and soft tissue problems can be addressed. This can help speed your recovery and enhance the retraining of your spine.
Types of Massage
There are many different kinds of massage. They all involve systematically working the muscles and other soft tissues of the body to optimize the functioning of the various bodily systems. Massage can enhance your vitality and sense of well-being. Massage has been shown to…
- Reduce the development of muscular patterning
- Improve posture and re-balances your body/mind
- Relieve pain in your muscles and joints
- Ease constipation, gas and heartburn
- Promote general relaxation
- Stimulate intestinal movement
- Eliminate excess fluid retention
- Plus, it just feels good!
Frequently Asked Questions
Where Will My Massage Take Place?
What Should I Wear to the Massage Appointment?
What Parts of My Body Will Be Massaged?
What Will The Massage Feel Like?
Will I Be Sore as a Result of the Massage?
Questions? Concerns? Give Prince George Family Chiropractic a call now and put your mind at ease.